Remine Update News
We wanted to make you aware of a Remine update that has just been installed. Below are the highlights of the improvements:
1. Add-Edit Validation Messages Added to New Online Profile Forms: Validation messages (similar to those in Add-Edit) also now appear in the online listing profile forms. When clicking the “Create Add Edit listing” button, the validation messages inform users which fields need to be corrected before proceeding to publishing the listing. Clicking on the error messages will auto-scroll you to the appropriate location in the profile form so you can make the necessary correction.
Previously, these were silent errors that required Subscribers to comb through the 18-page form and look for the fields that stood out.
An example of these validation messages is shown below:

** To benefit from this update, be sure to update your online forms packages (in Docs+) with the latest version of Realcomp’s forms. **
2. Improved Address Matching from RCO3® to Docs+ for Auto-Filling Forms: A fix was installed that will help to resolve an intermittent issue with smart forms in Docs+ not always auto-filling with the correct property address transmitted from RCO3®. The fix involves sending 2 other identification fields (location ID and APN) for the property. This will help us to achieve better address matching and auto-population of forms.
3. Electronic Signing Improvements: Another improvement relates to Docs+ detecting an active signing session. When it does, it will prevent other recipients for that signing from beginning a signing session of their own. A message will explain that another recipient is currently signing, and that the user should check back and refresh in a few minutes. The user in the active signing session will also be prompted to sign within 15 minutes and be met with an option to refresh their 15-minute window in the final 60 seconds of that period if they need more time. This 15-minute refresh window continues to display as long as the active signer needs more time.
If you have any questions about this information, please reach out to Realcomp’s Customer Care Department at (866) 553-3430. Thank you.