1. MORE LISTINGS | MORE EXPOSURE! Realcomp REALTORS® represent approximately 51% of Michigan REALTORS®! Realcomp’s Data Sharing partnerships bring an additional 47% of the state’s REALTORS® to the party expanding your reach to a whopping 98% of all REALTORS® in Michigan. This means you have access to their listings and they yours through Realcomp’s data consolidation efforts.
2. THE MOST REAL ESTATE DATA, PERIOD. Add in the timely supplementary Public Record Data (PRD) (i.e., land descriptions, sales records, appraisal data (when available), summer and winter taxes, and more) that Realcomp provides on Michigan homes and we are quite sure Realcomp provides the most relevant data to Michigan REALTORS® hands down!
3. ACCURATE DATA. Realcomp cleanses our real property data through various automated processes. This includes removing duplicate listings and correcting Property ID Numbers (PINs) for successful linking between the MLS and PRD databases. We also run checks against the MLS database to ensure all listings meet the minimum photo and listing attachment requirements. These things in turn allow our REALTOR® Subscribers to work more efficiently and have confidence in the data.
4. BIG DATA OPTIONS. Realcomp REALTORS® can leverage three “Big Data” tools built into Remine and Realist, which include predictive analytics. These tools equip you to proactively market to the right place, at the right time!
5. LEAD GENERATION. Realcomp provides our REALTOR® Subscribers with the most sought-after lead generation tools in the industry for capturing buyers and sellers. On the listing front, we syndicate property data to the TOP 3 third-party national real estate portals including: Realtor.com, and others. You just flip the switch. What is more, Realcomp Brokers and Agents promote your Internet Data Exchange (IDX) listings to consumers through their websites. You have that option too. Additionally, Realcomp offers several products (i.e., Cloud CMA, Down Payment Resource, LionDesk, RateMyAgent, Real Estate Statistics, and more) that make capturing consumer leads via your website or social media channels easy and effective!
6. FORMS AND TRANSACTION MANAGEMENT. Realcomp not only provides online forms, but a state-of-the-art transaction management system with unlimited document storage, e-signature capabilities, system notifications, and more.
7. REAL ESTATE PRODUCT INTEGRATION. Realcomp REALTORS® have access to more than 2 dozen products and services, that integrate with our MLS and/or Public Record Data, to streamline your workload, equip you with market knowledge, and make you look like a real estate rock star when serving your clients. Download a copy of our Technology Guide for more details.
8. LOCKBOX SECURITY WITH SENTRILOCK LOCKBOXES. In 2019, Realcomp invested in a purchase of 25,000 SentriLock electronic lockboxes for its MLS Subscribers to use for securing access to their Realcomp listings. Access to the lockboxes is now integrated with our showing software, allowing listing agents to restrict REALTOR® access to the lockboxes based on approved appointments. Access can also be provided to authorized personnel (i.e., inspectors, painters, cleaners, etc.) for as little as 1 day up to 2 weeks. The electronic lockboxes are Bluetooth 4.0 compatible and work with Apple iOS (9 or higher, except the iPhone 6) and Android 6.0.1 or higher Smart devices.
9. TRAINING SUPPORT, SPECIAL LEARNING EVENTS, AND MORE. Realcomp offers many different training classes on the Realcomp suite of products. From live webinars to prerecorded sessions to training videos, Realcomp REALTORS® have access to comprehensive and convenient learning solutions taught by professionals who understand your business. Additionally, we host regular virtual Town Hall meetings that address specific topics (i.e., electronic lockboxes, listing statuses, virtual tools, mortgage forbearance, down payment assistance, etc.) you have questions about and need answers for!
10. LIVE & LOCAL CUSTOMER SUPPORT. We provide support via phone, email, and/or chat—SEVEN (7) days and SIX (6) evenings per week. This support is provided by Realcomp’s highly trained Customer Care staff who are located right here in SE Michigan.
Take steps today to begin a subscription to Realcomp–17,000+ REALTORS® can’t be wrong. Complete our online request form for Realcomp’s Technology Guide and get the ball rolling!