To upload documents to your listing, be sure to follow the instructions (revised in Spring 2021) for accomplishing this via RCO3® & Remine Docs+. The workflow for uploading documents to listings was modified this past Spring when the Docs+ module was implemented and is no longer included in the Input or Edit/Modify Listing functions.
Once your new listing has been added to the system, and you’re ready to upload documents to it, AVOID using the Edit/Modify Listing function during that time. Accessing the Edit Listing function while you are attempting to upload documents to your listing will only lock the listing record. This will cause a system error to occur and unnecessary frustration.
If you (or an Administrative Assistant) inadvertently enters the Modify/Edit Listing function while you are attempting to upload documents to your listing, a system error will occur. To resolve this, CANCEL out of the edit function (button shown above). Then proceed with the document upload process. Taking any other action (i.e., closing the browser window, logging out of the system, etc.) will NOT resolve the issue. Only CANCELLING out of the edit function will.
Questions? We want to help. Be sure to contact Realcomp’s Customer Care Department at and let us know what you need.